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The Loving Community

2020 | Ahmedabad, India | Created with Rhino, Autocad and Photoshop

The proposed design offers housing for five selected families in the Loving Community who's homes are in need of immediate intervention due to the severe flooding that occurs during the monsoon season. 

The architecture responds to the context of the neighbouring dwellings, is sympathetic to the local climate and utilises local materials. The design allows for growth and change within the community and promotes community engagement and upskilling. 

Given three of five families have at least one elderly person and the trend sees occupants aging in place, it was important the design accommodated for an aging population. The varying family structures also required the proposed design to be adaptable to suit differing needs.


These concerns were addressed through incremental construction techniques, the inclusion of multifunctional rooms and the exploration of how equitable access into each home may be provided. 

Upstairs has been dedicated as the main sleeping area at night. There is one private room in each upstairs area that can be opened up during the day. Each home has a generous undercover balcony that may be used for sleeping on in the warmer months. 

Depending on the family unit, the back left hand room seen on the ground floor plans of families 1,2 and 5 can be used for different purposes. For those with elderly grandparents who may prefer to avoid using the stairs, this room can be used as a bedroom. Otherwise it can be used for additional storage. 

Families 1 and 5 who have a larger family unit each have a lofted level as well, making sleeping arrangements more comfortable. 

Antigoni Sioulas | University of Sydney | Bachelor of Design in Architecture (Hons) and Masters in Architecture


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